The Current Situation
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought to light many challenges facing the global healthcare network from a response and remediation perspective. As the battle continues on the front
lines of the pandemic, knowing where life-saving assets are located and whether or not they’re available is critical for the healthcare workers and patients. Such information is paramount to our success to manage and eventually control this virus on a global scale. Some of the most crucial equipment in this fight are ventilators and respirators that provide critically-ill patients with the chance to survive and recover from COVID-19. These assets are expensive, subject to diversion and as is the case today, often needed beyond the four walls of the hospital in which they are currently located. How a facility knows exactly how many units they have on hand and each unit’s operational status—currently in use, available, in need of repair, etc.—is vital to the survival of the those needing intubation.
National Medical Device Registry
LocatorX understands the need to track things. It’s what we do. And in this moment of crisis, we are launching the National Medical Device Registry, allowing any hospital to log their life-saving equipment, starting with Ventilators, in our applications and keep its status up-to-date with a simple scan of the ventilator in question.
And, because we strive to be a good corporate citizen, we are launching this program at no cost to the hospitals that elect to be included while this crisis is underway. This registry will make ventilator status available to states that choose to participate so they can have the latest information on the number of ventilators that may be available for loan. While we cannot undertake the brokerage of the lending program, we will make the information needed to gain access to the equipment available more quickly, without having to make 50+ phone calls to every other state and the federal government to find out who has what type of available inventory and where that equipment is located.
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